About Emily Holbrook

Emily Holbrook is a former editor of the Risk Management Monitor and Risk Management magazine. You can read more of her writing at EmilyHolbrook.com.
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Generational Challenges in the Workforce

Jennifer Deal earned her Ph.D in industrial/organizational psychology and currently serves as senior research sceintist for the Center for Creative Leadership.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, there were eight amazing speakers at the 15th Annual Wharton Leadership Conference — one of them being Jennifer Deal, senior research scientist at the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL). Deal’s work focuses on global leadership and generational differences, especially within the workforce. In fact, Wharton uses her research in many of their MBA classes to prepare future business leaders for the generational challenges.

It is known that currently there are four generations within the workforce: Silents (those born between 1925 and 1945), Baby Boomers (born 1946 to 1964), Generation X (born 1960 to 1981) and Millenials (born 1982 to 2001). It is also known that each generation differs greatly and trying to manage all four (or even two, for that matter) within the workplace is a challenge for anyone.

Deal stressed the following:

  • Newer generations (some Xers and most Millenials) struggle with the ability to take direction from authority. According to Deal, this personality trait stems for the way most of them were raised — their parents played more of the “friend” role than the “authority figure” role. It is, therefore, natural for them to “dislike being told what to do,” Deal stated
  • Older generations (Silents and Baby Boomers) are challenged by the ever-evolving technology landscape
  • Newer generations (mostly Millenials) expect immediate gratification and acknowledgement, meaning they desperately want their achievements to be recognized, and recognized immediately
  • Newer generations (mostly Millenials) are desperate for feedback. They want to know what to do to succeed.

Encouraging each generation’s strengths and working to improve their weaknesses is what any good leader or manager must work towards.

In closing, Deal reminded us of three key points:

  • The environment affects the employee landscape
  • People of all generations want respect and are pretty much equally committed to their organization
  • Conditions change

Check back over the next several days for more posts relating to the amazing speakers I was fortunate enough to hear at the Wharton Leadership Conference, including Jane Golden, executive director of the City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program; James Quigley, author of As One; and senior partner at Deloitte; and Colonel Jack Jacobs, NBC analyst and recipient of the Medal of Honor.

Words of Wisdom from Bill McNabb, President and CEO of Vanguard and Born Leader

Vanguard President and CEO Bill McNabb does not believe in competing departments.

We are living in a changing economy where even the experts are unsure of what’s to come. It is imperative now more than ever before to have effective leadership in the next generation of managers as well as among those currently serving in managerial roles. With that in mind, it makes sense that the Wharton Business School would title their 15th annual leadership conference, “Leading in a Reset Economy and Uncertain World.”

I was able to attend this one-day conference yesterday, which was held on the Wharton campus in Philadelphia, and I must say, it was the best conference I have ever attended thus far. The first of eight speakers was F. William (Bill) McNabb III, head of The Vanguard Group, an investment company with $1.8 trillion under management, making it one of the largest investment management firms in the world.

McNabb didn’t land the job of president and CEO of this mammoth money managing machine by relying on luck. He knows a thing or two about leadership and he shared his wisdom with the 200 or so in attendance, starting off with what he calls “the leadership standard,” which entails:

  • Managing crew
  • Developing crew
  • Relationship management
  • Leadership impact
  • Business results
  • Conceptual thinking
  • Business acumen

Using a military analogy, McNabb asked the crowd if they would chose to be in a fox hole with those they manage. “You have to have total trust within your team,” he said. “This is the most important element to building a high-performing working group.” McNabb is adamant that complete trust within a team inevitably equals effective production and superior performance. Seeing the success of Vanguard, it’s hard to argue with the man.

One thing people may find interesting, and maybe a bit peculiar, is that McNabb does not believe in competition across different areas of the organization. “There are no competing departments,” he said. “We measure results holistically — actions are tied to the firm’s results, not individual results.”

When asked about how he measures the success of the firm, he quickly replied, “The only thing that matters for us at the end of the day is if we’re making money for our clients. We have no formal measurement of success — [the client’s success] is what we go on.”

Another audience member questioned the fact that he failed to mention the hot button term “innovation” during his entire presentation. Good question, I thought. But that thought vanished after listening to McNabb’s response:

“We don’t want to be innovative because we don’t want to play around with people’s money,” he said, adding that innovation should be left to research and development and manufacturing companies, not firms that handle other people’s money and act as fiduciaries.

Well put, McNabb.

Check back over the next several days for more posts relating to the amazing speakers I was fortunate enough to hear at the Wharton Leadership Conference, including Jen Deal of the Center for Creative Leadership, James Quigley, author of As One and senior partner at Deloitte and Colonel Jack Jacobs, NBC analyst and recipient of the Medal of Honor.

Corrupt Chinese Officials Steal Billions

It seems Chinese government officials are anything but honest employees. A lengthy report that recently made its way into the media details how corrupt Chinese officials have stolen 3 billion over several years and stashed most of it in the U.

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The report claims that up to “18,000 corrupt officials and employees of state-owned enterprises have fled abroad or gone into hiding since the mid-1990s.” The PDF of the report is available in Chinese cyberspace and offers a glimpse into who was stealing money, how much they stole and how they handled their cross border money laundering.

In one case, Xu Fangming, a former Ministry of Finance official allegedly deposited roughly 1 million yuan into the bank account of a son studying abroad.

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In another, Cheng Kejie, a top politician got his mistress settled in Hong Kong and funneled money to her. Some of the stories are well known. Among the most notable is the tale of Zhang Jian, a former Communist Party chief of Haimen in Jiangsu province, who famously dumped his ill-gotten 18 million yuan into Macao casinos. According to the report, he funded his 48 visits over two years with credit cards.

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The other popular methods used for stashing stolen money include black market banking services, trade under current accounts, overseas investments, credit cards and offshore financial centers in the Caribbean and Europe.

China’s central bank has stated that it will cooperate with foreign officials.

Risk Management in the News

It’s a busy Monday morning for news regarding risk management. Here, I have compiled a snapshot of a few current events taking place within the discipline.

  • The Catch-22 of Supply Chain Risk Management: Steven Banker of LogisticsViewpoints.com tells how all of the things that can make for a lean and mean supply chain “can also cause a supply chain to become brittle and break in the face of disasters.” Banker uses the Japan earthquake and Toyota as an example.
  • ERM Supports Disaster Recovery Plans: Educational sessions at the 32nd annual Public Risk Management Association’s conference focused on how an enterprise risk management framework provides significant support for municipalities planning disaster recovery, business continuity and resiliency strategies.
  • Risk Management Needed to Prevent Future Food Scares: Focus Taiwan News Channel recounts how “public health scholars on Friday urged the government to devise a comprehensive food safety and risk management mechanism, including the regulation of chemical substances, to prevent more food scandals from happening in the future.”
  • Microsoft Buys ERM Software Vendor: The tech giant purchased enterprise risk management software vendor Prodiance “to add more compliance functionality to Microsoft Office.”
  • Reporting Key to Competent Risk Management: Risk.net reports how Eric Caban, an examining officer in the operational risk governance team at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, warned that even though reporting is the key to competent risk management, it is often the area that is given the least amount of attention.
  • IMA’s Move on Managed Sectors May Help Risk/Return Approach: On MoneyMarketing.co.uk, Stuart Fowler discusses the flaws in conventional balanced management and why society welcomes the IMA’s provocation.