About Caroline McDonald

Caroline McDonald is a writer and former senior editor of the Risk Management Monitor and Risk Management magazine.

10 Insurance Tips for Risk Managers

NEW ORLEANS—Most companies will at one time or another face coverage issues and lawsuits. In order to identify and avoid insurance-related issues and disputes before they arise, risk managers should take advantage of proven strategies for resolving difficult claims, advised Darin McMullen, attorney with Anderson Kill, P.C. at the RIMS 2015 Annual Conference & Exhibition here.

1. The purpose of insurance is to insure.

Don’t underestimate potential future problems and think of loss prevention and risk transfer rather than loss financing, he noted. Companies need to assess the types of risks they will face and make sure their program is tailored to meet these needs. Also important, he said, is making sure policies are designed to cover the losses the company will face on a day to day basis. For example, certain types of risks are seen in manufacturing and other risks are particular to an IT vendor. Risk managers need to examine any pitfalls or shortages that may exist in their current policies and seek legal opinions well in advance of renewal. They need to look at how exclusions might be interpreted as well, McMullen said.

Joshua Gold, also an attorney with Anderson Kill, added that risk managers’ jobs are more difficult than ever, with fragmentation in insurance programs existing, since many polices are purchased for a program. These may include directors and officers, product liability and cyber insurance. “There are products out there that try to assimilate them and make sure gaps in coverage are treated,” Gold said, adding that while the fine print in policies can be overwhelming, it can be key for proper coverage, especially when dealing with multiple lines, excess layers and towers of insurance.

2. Don’t limit insurance expertise to the risk management department.

All too often, “there are still going to be thorny claims and there still are going to be disputed claims, which are unavoidable,” McMullen said. He said that building expertise elsewhere within the company is critical to taking advantage of any and all available coverage. “We get the need for everybody to work together, but now, more than ever, this is important,” he said. Coverage should not just be delegated to risk or legal and collaboration is needed. For example, IT departments need to be included when planning for cyber coverage.

3. Lawyers and risk managers can be natural allies.

While there may be friction between departments in a company, legal generally recognizes the beneficial role risk managers play, McMullen said. He added that risk managers need to put any insurance-related communications in writing and assist in the analysis of policies and claims.

4. Insurance is an essential component of corporate resources and asset conservation plans.

Risk managers should purchase coverage with the intent of safeguarding the company’s own property and employees. They also need to recognize which mechanisms actually transfer risk and which do not.

5. Think insurance after a loss occurs.

This means looking to insurance coverage following all lawsuits, claim letters, product-related issues and financial losses. Risk professionals also need to analyze other sources of insurance that could possibly cover a claim.

6. Give notice of a claim or loss as soon as possible.

When faced with a claim or loss, McMullen advised risk managers not to hesitate to notify their broker, insurers and everyone in their tower of insurance as soon as possible.

7. When you make a claim, don’t accept “no” for an answer.

There is no downside to challenging an insurer’s denial of coverage. “You owe it to your company, you owe it to your organization to explore this and push back,” McMullen said, adding that determination and persistence often mean the difference between coverage and no coverage.

8. Find out where your company’s policies are.

Locate, collect and catalogue past insurance policies. Also acquire and keep policies of all entities related to your company.

9. Don’t panic if your insurer becomes insolvent.

If this is the case, McMullen advised risk professionals to file a proof of claim as a creditor and file a claim against the state guaranty fund in one or more possible jurisdictions. He recommended that they request the next layer of insurance companies to “drop down,” and also to consider litigation options.

10. Make sure your insurance team is conflict-free.

This means the team should be untainted–risk managers need to know where loyalty lies and if an attorney is representing both sides, McMullen said. “You want a conflict-free insurance team to take on the insurance company and to fight for the coverage that you are paying for,” he concluded.


Survey Finds Alliance with Organizations and Risk Reporting Structures

NEW ORLEANS—Seventy-nine percent of companies are aligned with their risk management reporting structure, however, only 27% of risk professionals believe that emerging risks will be a company priority in the coming year, according to the 12th annual “Excellence in Risk Management Survey” released here by Marsh and RIMS.

In the last five or six years, “We have seen significant narrowing of the gap, where there is better alignment of what risk managers and risk executives are providing their organization and what their C-suite and management is looking for and needing in this riskier world that we all live in,” said Brian Elowe, a managing director at Marsh and co-author of the report. Findings are based on more than 300 responses to an online survey and a series of focus groups with leading risk executives.

Elowe explained that the study focused on organizational alignment, risk management effectiveness, data analytics and technology and cyberrisk.

In their study of organizational dynamics, he said, “We looked at priority setting, organizational structure and performance measurement standards to understand effective execution of a risk management strategy.”

The first insight was in respect to structures risk management reports to inside an organization. “We also asked whether the people responding to the survey felt risk management was reporting to the correct area inside the organization. We found that 79% of the respondents said they felt risk management was reporting into the appropriate area inside their organization,” Elowe said.

Looking deeper, he said the survey found that 50% of executives report into the finance area. The other half reports into a wide number of areas inside the company–12% report to general counsel, 8% to other C-suite members, 5% to internal audit, 5% to operations, 2% to human resources and 11% to “other” functions.

“We found that while they are all in the risk management function, those that report to areas outside of finance tend to be involved in areas deemed to be more strategic in nature. So they are more likely to be involved with things like ERM strategies, IT, privacy and security.”

Elowe said, “We think that finance executives might be well-served to help facilitate greater connections inside their companies to help broaden the perspective that risk executives reporting into finance might be able to have inside their own companies.”

In addition, only 27% of risk professionals reporting to the CFO or treasurer said they expected an increase in spending for training risk management staff. This is compared to 46% in increases expected by those reporting to other areas.

The top-five programs reporting to risk management were insurance management (92%), claims management (88%), enterprise risk management (67%), captive operations (65%) and emergency response (63%).

Looking at functions that report into risk management, he said that while the traditional functions of insurance and claims were well aligned, there is a significant alignment with IT. This is compared to several years ago when IT “operated in and of itself in an organization. That is an outcome of the growing cyberrrisk and the need for organizations to have a multi-disciplinary approach to how cyber is affecting their organization.”

Discussion groups agreed that the “here and now” is most important to their companies and that more needs to be done to develop understanding of emerging risks. “Risk managers are concerned they are not looking far enough ahead,” Elowe said, adding that company focus is largely directed to regulations and compliance. Carol Fox, director of the strategic and enterprise risk practice at RIMS and co-author of the report observed that organizations focused on operations are generally not as involved in strategy. She said management understands risks, but fell off in actually planning for emerging risks.

Findings include:

  • Risk management departments that do not report into finance are generally better aligned with other strategic functions within their organizations — most notably in the areas of enterprise risk management, compliance, information technology (IT) risk management, privacy, and security.
  • Despite the importance placed on emerging risks by many board members, senior leaders, and risk executives, only 27% of survey respondents said that identifying emerging risks would be a priority in the coming year.
  • Over the next two years, 42% of organizations expect to increase the level of investment in risk analytics, according to our survey, with 57% saying it would remain flat.
  • Nearly 60% of respondents said their organization has no formal communications plan in anticipation of a cyber event.
  • Risk professionals who report into the CFO or treasurer are much less likely to expect an increase in spending for training risk management staff in the coming year compared to those reporting elsewhere.


P&C Rates Drop 1% in March

The composite rate for property and casualty insurance dropped 1% in March compared to March 2014, indicating a softening market, according to MarketScout.

“March is an important month. There is a considerable volume of U.S. business placed with both the U.S. and international insurers,” noted Richard Kerr, CEO of MarketScout. “While a small change from February, the downward adjustment in rates may be an indicator of what is to come for the next six months.”

By coverage classification, general liability and umbrella/excess liability dropped from up 1% in February to flat or 0% in March. Commercial auto, professional liability, and employment practices liability (EPLI) were also down 1% in February as compared to March. No coverages reflected a rate decrease.

By account size, small accounts (up to $25,000 premium) adjusted downward from up 2% to up 1%. Large accounts ($250,000 to $1,000,000 premium) were flat as compared to up 1% in February. The rates for all other accounts were unchanged.

Industry classifications all remained the same as in February, except for contracting and transportation, which were up 1%t in March, compared to up 2% in February. Habitational was flat or up 0% in March, compared to up 1% in February.

Summary of the March 2015 rates by coverage, industry class and account size:

By Coverage Class
Commercial Property Up 1%
Business Interruption Up 0%
BOP Up 1%
Inland Marine Up 0%
General Liability Up 0%
Umbrella/Excess Up 0%
Commercial Auto Up 1%
Workers’ Compensation Up 0%
Professional Liability Up 1%
D&O Liability Up 1%
EPLI Up 1%
Fiduciary Up 0%
Crime Up 0%
Surety Up 0%


Study Lists Most and Least Resilient Countries

Businesses are more dependent on their supply chains than ever, with supply chain disruption one of the leading causes of business instability. To thrive, companies need to be resilient, and part of that is their location and the location of suppliers. According to FM Global’s 2015 FM Global Resilience Index, Norway tops the list of resilient countries, with Switzerland in second place.

The study’s purpose is to help companies evaluate and manage their supply chain risk by ranking 130 countries and regions in terms of their business resilience to supply chain disruption. Data is based on: economic strength, risk quality (mostly related to natural hazard exposure and risk management) and supply chain factors (including corruption, infrastructure and local supplier quality).

According to the study:

1. Norway retains its top position in the index from last year, with strong results for economic productivity, control of corruption, political risk and resilience to an oil shock. The country’s management of fire risk offers opportunity to improve still further.

2. Despite its massive oil reserves, Venezuela ranks 130, placing it at the bottom of the index, and reflecting the many challenges South America faces, ranging from economic and political to geological, with its west coast on the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’.

3. Taiwan has jumped the most in the index – 52 places in the annual ranking to 37; more than any other country. Its rise is due mainly to a substantial improvement in the country’s commitment to risk management, as it relates both to natural hazard risk and fire risk. Given the country’s location at the western edge of the Philippine Sea plate, this is a welcome development.

4. Ukraine, ranked 107, and Kazakhstan, ranked 102, dropped more places this year than any other country; a fall of 31 places each. Unsurprisingly, for Ukraine, the worsening political risk, combined with poorer infrastructure, was to blame. The fall for Kazakhstan this year reflects a poorer commitment to natural hazard risk management in the region.

5. In the European Union (EU), Greece fell from position 54 to 65. The recent victory of the anti-austerity Syriza party almost certainly will usher in a period of greater friction and turbulence with its EU partners.

6. France, ranked 19, trails Germany at 6, the leading EU nation. France has slid down the index in recent years reflecting a rising risk of terrorism – evidenced tragically in Paris – and deteriorating perceptions of both infrastructure and local suppliers. Also exposed to terrorism risk is the United Kingdom, which nevertheless held steady at 20 for the third year running, aided by its relative resistance to oil shocks.

New to the top 10 this year are Qatar, ranked 7, and Finland, ranked 9. Qatar benefits from its macroeconomic stability, efficient goods and labor markets and high degree of security. The country owes its rise of 8 places to a considerable improvement in commitment to fire risk management in the region. Finland’s strengths derive from its innovative capabilities, a product of high public and private investment in research and development, strong links between academia and private sector companies, and an excellent record in education and training, according to the study.

In 10th place is U.S. Region 3, the central region of the United States. While this part of the country is subject to a variety of natural hazards, there is less exposure than states on the east or west coasts of the country. Belgium, ranked 11, and Australia, ranked 14, dropped out of the top 10–barely–and both countries retain high positions in the 2015 index.