10 Enterprise Risk Management Criteria

Mash Risk Television has put together a new video documenting what it considers to be “The 10 Key Enterprise Risk Management Criteria.” I’m not going to pretend that this as engaging as an episode of Mad Men or anything, but Sim Segal, the guy doing the talking, does use some examples from the Titanic, AIG and others to drive home some insightful points about ERM.

Here are the 10 critieria:

  1. Enterprise-wide
  2. Includes all risks
  3. Focuses on key risks
  4. Integrates across risk types
  5. Aggregates metrics
  6. Includes decision making
  7. Balances risk and return management
  8. Makes appropriate risk disclosures
  9. Measures value impacts
  10. Focuses on primary stakeholders

Enjoy the show.

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